Downloads stopped?

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Same here, in some point over

Same here, in some point over the night the stalled downloads were flushed...
It seems to be working well now...

Thanks, Bernd.

Mikie Tim T
Mikie Tim T
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I seem to have issues still

I seem to have issues still downloading S6 work on all of my crunchers. Both Windows and Linux have dried up, and manually updating doesn't pull any new work although according to the Server Status page, there should be more work available for them. I just have the standard 3 day cache, so it's apparently be an issue for a few days now.

Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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RE: ...and manually

...and manually updating doesn't pull any new work...

Do your clients ask for work at those occasions?

And if yes, do they just not get S6 tasks but other types?

[edit]The topic of this thread is about tasks that are assigned to your client but are stalled when downloading.[/edit]

Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

Mikie Tim T
Mikie Tim T
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They have been asking for

They have been asking for work, but getting responses that none is available. I have added the gamma work so they would have something to work on, and it does look like a couple of them have pulled an S6 task or two since, but apparently my machines haven't been able to pull much S6 work since they ran their caches dry. They aren't erroring out or anything like that, they just get the response that no work is available despite the counts on the Server Status page to the contrary. This is both Windows and Linux, by the way.

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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I haven't looked through all

I haven't looked through all of your hosts, it might help if you post the id of one or two where you are getting "project has no jobs available" message.

On the hosts I browsed I saw either no work being requested at all or pretty small work requests, like

2012-07-06 17:17:27.9344 [PID=24954] [send] CPU: req 68.77 sec, 0.00 instances; est delay 0.00

2012-07-06 10:51:12.5904 [PID=19743] [send] work_req_seconds: 156.42 secs

that are easily saturated by single tasks the machine got sent. I didn't find a work request being denied.



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