CUDA WIN8 x64 / NVIDIA card issue?

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Topic 197267

See my thread in SETI project forums:

This far I have found out that SETI, Einstein and Edges/VINA seem to be involved.

Anyone else with a similar issue?
Eventmanager does not show anything interesting.
Wehn the DT turns blue or unresponsive, BOINC client quits and running VINA tasks run their course and when they are finished, no new work is started.

Any ideas?

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CUDA WIN8 x64 / NVIDIA card issue?

I dealt with a similar case...
Basically cuda22, 32 and 42 WUs are the one prone to cause issues on the NVidia of my machine...
I'd fumbled back and forth with GPU driver versions and DirectX updates...
I even ran test programs to check for heat issues on CPU and GPU... no avail, all well within specs...

Mysteriously one day the BSOD issues went away... cuda22, 32 and 42 WUs still produce errors though...


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