I have a computer farm, and have been generating about 100,000 credits per day, mostly from CUDA cards. This morning I checked several computers and none of them showed any CUDA tasks. I tried 'report' and also to reset the project on one machine but my GPU still did not get any tasks.
This might have to do with adding an nvidia GT 610 to an existing GT 630 machine on computer number seven yesterday evening. I have been consolidating to reduce power use. It was squirelly at first, but seems to have been working, though slowly, when I left the computer farm running over night. This morning that machine and several others I checked were not doing CUDA tasks.
I have shut down number seven and will check again this afternoon on the others. This has become a major hobby of mine and I worry that my new build will not get GPU tasks either. That build is expensive but my goal is to produce 50,000 credits per day on a total of about 200 watts. It would be a major disapointment if CUDA tasks have been rejeted from my account and I never get to test the new machine. [Which should be ready in less then a week.]
Thank you for any help or advice. And if I did anything wrong let me know what it was and I promise not to do it again :)
Thank you,
Arecibo 19 Oct 2012
Just Because The Space Alien Is Green
Does Not Mean You Should Go
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CUDA tasks have been deleted
Checking your computer logs, I see at
Did you check your Project Preferences, make sure that you checked Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search (extended)? For if not, then that would be why your systems are empty.
Especially so if you don't allow these systems to run Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo) either on the Nvidia GPU either.
Big KUDOS for you! Somehow
Big KUDOS for you!
Somehow or other the request for BRP tasks got unchecked in the task preference box. That's where I get all my credits! I checkmarked it and sent an update request from one of my computers. Downloading they are now doing. I suppose I should do that for all the other CUDA machines now.
I still wonder if the weak GPU card I inserted last evening tripped an automatic protect sequence that turned off the supply of BRP tasks. I was afraid my account might have been blocked off for such a reason. But so far so good.
Arecibo 19 Oct 2012
Just Because The Space Alien Is Green
Does Not Mean You Should Go
The other thing that happened
The other thing that happened a while ago was that the Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto search got changed into the Gravitational Wave S6 LineVeto (extended) search, it got its own option to check in the project preferences.
So perhaps that that caught your machine(s) out as well, that they were running the non-extended and are now all waiting for something new to happen.