Hello, I am new here. Joined E@H yesterday. I have 142 credits and about 91 more pending. None of my credits appear on any of the stats sites, nor do they appear on my Projects page or my Stats page in Boinc. My other apps (SETI and Milky Way) credits appear on my machine within about a minute after updating. So far it appears nothing is going out from the Einstein site, either to Boinc or to me. Any help would be appreciated.
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Credits not going to Boinc
When I look at your stats I see this:
Total credit 143
Recent average credit 13.24
Is that what you mean? If so, some projects are slower than others to update the different webpages we see.
I wish there was a smiley
I wish there was a smiley that was beet red, because I am really embarrassed! I went back and hit the Update button again, after waiting about 24 hours for the credits to appear on my machine....and voila....they appeared.
Sorry to have bothered you folks. I'm sure you have more important things to worry about.
Happy crunching to all.
RE: I wish there was a
I just wish all the problems were this easy, as in just wait a little bit.
Glad it is working, keep crunching!