
Carl Peterson
Carl Peterson
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Topic 194701

Can anyone tell what the credits are and how they are used?

Joined: 22 Jan 05
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Can anyone tell what the credits are and how they are used?

They are a measure of the work done and stop. No use is made of them, but people consider them as an evidence of their skill using advanced hardware (CPUs and GPUs). They become a competition among users spending a lot of money just to keep up with the Joneses.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Can anyone tell what

Can anyone tell what the credits are and how they are used?

This question has been asked many times by many people, including three times by yourself over the last six months. So here is a little suggestion for how you can find the previous answers without having to keep asking the same question.

At the top of each 'message boards' page, you will see a 'search forums' button with an 'Advanced search' link immediately under it. Click this link as it will give you some useful features to select from.

On the 'Advanced search' page that comes up, insert the word 'credits' (without quotation) in the keyword search box and leave the Author ID blank. Click the 'Search limits' dropdown box and select 1 year (the longest time allowed). Make sure 'All' forums are selected and 'Sort by' however you wish. The default is 'newest search result first'. Then click 'Start the search' and you will get a page with all the search hits. Firstly there are complete threads which have the search term as part of the title and secondly there are individual messages that contain the search term.

If you just look at the thread titles, you will see that you posted this same question around 5 months ago, around 3 months ago and again within the last day. Each time you asked the question previously, people responded and gave you links that you could click to find more information. So, I'm a little puzzled as to why you keep repeating the question.

The BOINC search function is fairly primitive compared to something like google. If you really want to find out about BOINC credits, you should simply type "What are BOINC credits used for" into google and you will get more relevant information and better targeted to your question. You will find that there is even a Wikipedia page about BOINC credits.

So, once you have finished all that reading, you can come back here and summarise your findings about BOINC credit for the benefit of the next person who comes along and asks the same question :-).


Blue Northern Software
Blue Northern S...
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It should also be noted that

It should also be noted that 5000 Einstein@Home Credits and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Denny's. Without the credits, the coffee costs $1.50.... hey.... wait a minute.....

(Sorry... with 2 degrees F, 40 mph NW wind, and blowing snow here, I just had to post something with coffee in it.)

Carry on.

Joined: 25 Feb 05
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RE: It should also be noted

Message 96221 in response to message 96220

It should also be noted that 5000 Einstein@Home Credits and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Denny's.

The way the U.S. dollar is going, it may soon be equivalent

in value to Einstein @ Home Credits !


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