why do u receive credits if u cant use them for any thing?
They are also very handy when troubleshooting either hardware or configuration *over time.* If you see your daily average credits drop suddenly, you might want to check and see if something is wrong.
You can use them to measure the amount of contribution. It is a slightly vague measure tbh.
Some details here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BOINC_Credit_System.
RE: why do u receive
Human nature. Give people something to compete with and watch them go
RE: why do u receive
They are also very handy when troubleshooting either hardware or configuration *over time.* If you see your daily average credits drop suddenly, you might want to check and see if something is wrong.
It's just a gauge.
And they can be fun!
The one who dies with the
The one who dies with the most credit wins and gets a cushion on his chair.