I'm used to getting the occasional error, but this is ridiculous! There are errors about trying to access and search a directory in /proc every five or ten minutes, even though I've followed the instructions to correct the issue. If you folks can't get this fixed, I'm seriously considering dropping the project as more trouble than it's worth.
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Constant SELinux errors from Einstein@Home
And where are all those many erroneous tasks? I can see not a single one in your task list.
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
When I first posted, I was in
When I first posted, I was in a hurry to get to a meeting. Here's a link to the bug report at bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/process_bug.cgi
Oh, my! I am sorry. I've
Oh, my! I am sorry. I've had so many minor reports from Einstein@home that I just assumed that this one was from here too. Sorry, I'll report this again at WCG.
Do know that other people
Do know that other people cannot see anything at the link you gave. One will need to log in to be able to see whatever it is you put there. Not too friendly, if you want broad help, as it requires anyone to register at the Red Hat Bugzilla (bug tracking system).
However, why didn't you just link to your own ticket? Then people can just read it, without them needing to register or log in.
And even then, you left the bug report in the right place, as it's a Linux problem. It may just not be a bug...
However, it's even starting with "SELinux is preventing", how much more information do you need? How can any project running under BOINC be at fault here, when it is your operating system that is preventing the science applications from running or doing anything special?
The least bit could be that you don't have permission to run BOINC/the project's applications under the account you run your OS with. But that's still something you will have to fix.
Did you try a search already with your favorite search engine?
Try one with the following words: "is preventing getattr selinux" (without the quotes)
That gets me 11,500 results, showing you're not the only one out there with a similar problem.