was there a problem with the abp 3.11 WU from Nov. 12?
I've got 25 tasks with computing error only on that day. The same tasks were crunched successfully before and, as far as I can see, beyond that date on the same machine.
Would be interesting to hear more about that.
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computing error für Arecibo 3.11 wu from Nov 12
OK, I got the reason. I was due to temporarily changes in access control. That caused the follwing messages.
Eine der Dateien in der Registrierungsdatenbank musste �ber ein Protokoll oder eine Sicherungskopie wiederhergestellt werden. Die Wiederherstellung war erfolgreich. (0x3f6) - exit code 1014 (0x3f6)
Activated exception handling...
command_line: projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/einsteinbinary_ABP2_3.11_windows_intelx86__ABP2cuda23.exe -t ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/stoch_anticenter.bank -l ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/zaplist_232.txt -A 0.08 -P 3.0 -f 650.0 -W -z -c status.cpt -D 0 -U Rechenkuenstler -H 3e32423c317c59a7234a4f376c9dc895 -i ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/p2030_53494_32275_0047_G40.53-00.92.N_5_440.binary -o ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/p2030_53494_32275_0047_G40.53-00.92.N_5.dm_440_1_0
[19:11:14][5992][INFO ] Starting data processing...
[19:11:14][5992][ERROR] Error acquiring "real" CUDA device!
------> The acquired device is a "Device Emulation (CPU)"
[19:11:14][5992][ERROR] Demodulation failed (error: 1014)!
19:11:14 (5992): called boinc_finish
It's fixed with adjusting access control
RE: OK, I got the reason. I
Could you describe this "changes in access control" a bit more detailed?
We get this error a lot from Windows CUDA Apps, though still we don't precisely understand what causes these.