27/09/2006 16:27:58||Starting BOINC client version 5.4.9 for windows_intelx86
27/09/2006 16:27:58||libcurl/7.15.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8a zlib/1.2.3
27/09/2006 16:27:58||Data directory: C:\\Program Files\\Climate Change Experiment
27/09/2006 16:28:00||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU 1200MHz
27/09/2006 16:28:00||Memory: 119.48 MB physical, 288.52 MB virtual
27/09/2006 16:28:00||Disk: 19.68 GB total, 10.26 GB free
27/09/2006 16:28:01|Einstein@Home|URL: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/; Computer ID: 743921; location: ; project prefs: default
27/09/2006 16:28:01||No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
27/09/2006 16:28:03||Local control only allowed
27/09/2006 16:28:03||Listening on port 31416
27/09/2006 16:28:03|Einstein@Home|Resuming task h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0 using einstein_S5R1 version 424
27/09/2006 16:55:34|Einstein@Home|einstein_S5R1 not responding to screensaver, exiting
27/09/2006 16:55:36|Einstein@Home|Task h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
27/09/2006 16:55:36|Einstein@Home|If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
27/09/2006 16:55:36||Rescheduling CPU: application exited
27/09/2006 16:55:38|Einstein@Home|Restarting task h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0 using einstein_S5R1 version 424
27/09/2006 16:55:40|Einstein@Home|Unrecoverable error for result h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0 ( - exit code -1 (0xffffffff))
27/09/2006 16:55:40|Einstein@Home|Deferring scheduler requests for 1 minutes and 0 seconds
27/09/2006 16:55:41||Rescheduling CPU: application exited
27/09/2006 16:55:41|Einstein@Home|Computation for task h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0 finished
27/09/2006 16:55:46|Einstein@Home|Started upload of file h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0_0
27/09/2006 16:56:40|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi
27/09/2006 16:56:40|Einstein@Home|Reason: To fetch work
27/09/2006 16:56:40|Einstein@Home|Requesting 8640 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 completed tasks
27/09/2006 16:56:43|Einstein@Home|Finished upload of file h1_1443.0_S5R1__3114_S5R1a_0_0
27/09/2006 16:56:43|Einstein@Home|Throughput 39447 bytes/sec
27/09/2006 16:56:46|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request succeeded
27/09/2006 16:56:48|Einstein@Home|Started download of file grid_1450_h_T16_S5R1.dat
27/09/2006 16:56:51|Einstein@Home|Finished download of file grid_1450_h_T16_S5R1.dat
27/09/2006 16:56:51|Einstein@Home|Throughput 267654 bytes/sec
27/09/2006 16:56:52||Rescheduling CPU: files downloaded
27/09/2006 16:56:52|Einstein@Home|Starting task h1_1443.0_S5R1__3077_S5R1a_0 using einstein_S5R1 version 424
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Compute Error- task completes but doesn't send finished file
There are a couple of issues here. Your machine has a very low memory amount. This amount is even lower because you are using shared memory for video. This can cause many problems. You still have enough memory to crunch, but not use the screen saver. I would suggest trying to get your memory to at least 512M, but you may still have issues with the shared memory and screen saver. To change this, you need to get an external video card.
Thanks PB, that helped me
Thanks PB, that helped me figure out what could be wrong for another person elsewhere. :)
RE: ... 27/09/2006
this seems to be related to the screen saver.
Try switching off the screen saver and examine if the problem still occurs.