Hello, i did some new Beta (test) tasks yesterday.
One of them was on this WU: https://einsteinathome.org/workunit/262105428
On another i got Validation Error: https://einsteinathome.org/workunit/262105430
I compared the end of the task log with one of the others and everything seems fine. For what reason did i received it as Invalid?
Could it be because i was fiddling wit the GPU Utilization Rate - i set it for a bit to 0.25 (website pref), and i received 4 WU, did ~15% of them total, then turned back the GPU Util back to 1.00 and did only 1 WU task at time - i was getting estim. 110minutes for 4 WU at the same time, which didn't really seem better than running a single one for ~20mins.
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A validation error is caused
A validation error is caused by the scientific data returned which is not visible to you over the public website. In your case, one of the values in this data was out of bounds (unphysical) so it was rejected.
There are several threads in the forum that give hints on how to prevent validation problems. the most prominent (and largest) being BRP4 Intel GPU app feedback thread.
The conclusion is that running more than one WU per GPU can lead to validation errors so you need to experiment a little bit on what settings produce valid results with your specific GPU and driver combination.