It turns out for me, that the captcha graphics to change the profile in not readable (even for me, beeing able to see it - many structures cannot be resolved to glyphs). Several times I was quite sure to guess the right glyphs in this game, nevertheless it was not possible to make a change in the profile.
My suggestion is to get rid of this captcha riddles to save time of users.
Or provide an accessible text alternative additionally.
Or make the riddle solution optional.
If some users are interested to solve visual riddles not related to the current task, this should be provided independently, not as a requirement for the change of outdated data in the profile.
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captcha for profile change
Meanwhile I switched to another computer with audio-output to test the audio alternative, but it turns out, that the noise mainly sounds like sexual displeasing moaning.
I cannot see a relation to the task to change the profile.
The image riddle is still not solvable.