I've enabled "suspend on work" and I've tried to have the program itself via preferences only work after being idle for 10 minutes, but all the choices after "work all the time" gray out as soon as I select them and then the change is not saved.
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Can't limit when Einstein at Home Works
You mean in the normal preferences, when you set Do work when computer is in use to Yes? That's normal. Then the other options are no longer needed, as you tell BOINC to use the CPU at all times. If you set that option to No, you can adjust the rest.
Or better yet, upgrade to BOINC 5.10.20 which has Advanced Preferences built in. In BOINC Manager, under the Advanced, Preferences menu. These are preferences for that one computer only, they won't propagate to other computers you possibly have. Plus these preferences will override any general preferences you set through a project website. (not project preferences).
Thanks Ageless for this info,
Thanks Ageless for this info, but still the question why the client ist not using the web preferences. I was ready to quit Einstein since it was using the system even I was trying to work- That was kind of frustrating and prohably some other users were so desperated so the might have quit Einstein or even Boinc
Did you save the changes on
Did you save the changes on the website and then Update BOINC through BOINC Manager? (Open BM, Projects tab, select Einstein@Home, press Update).
That way you force a download of the latest preferences you set on the website to the client on your system.
This problem is usually a
This problem is usually a local preferences override - YingYang is using BOINC v5.10.13, which has this feature.
Ageless, you may have to talk him through BOINC startup messages and simple/advanced GUI settings screens - I was just passing through, and it's bedtime in my time-zone.