Hi m8s...
I am changing my team's name on the whole boinc scene, and it seems that the "edit team info" feature is blocked on the new site layout as it is a Boinc-Wide Team, and all info should be updated on the Boinc-Wide Teams site itself... which is *almost* true...
But the problem is that team name is one of the things that cannot be updated through the Boinc-Wide Teams page (as it is stated there), and must be changed mannually on every boinc project... which I've already done on all active projects except this one!
So, can this block be somehow override?
La Tierra de un Dios que no supo aceptar / su falso derecho a la libertad - Tierra Santa
Estadísticas de Entropizados.com
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
In order to change the name
In order to change the name you must have created a new BOINC-wide team. In order to get it changed here we need the new name and ID of the BOINC wide team.
Hi, Christian The Team CPid
Hi, Christian
The Team CPid is: 1cfe082596542889d5a5e7a87d3f76f5 (or at least this is what BoincStats shows, I coudn't find it on the Boinc-Wide teams site)
On this site the team # is 178414
And the new name is: Entropizados
(The old one without the ".com" )
Thanks for everything
La Tierra de un Dios que no supo aceptar / su falso derecho a la libertad - Tierra Santa
Estadísticas de Entropizados.com
I changed the name so the
I changed the name so the description will update sometime tomorrow. As I was looking up the ID from the BOINC-wide teams page I saw that your new description contains invalid HTML. You should fix that. Also your site is flagged as containing malicious content. You should fix that too.
Thank you, Cristian... Yes,
Thank you, Cristian...
Yes, my site was hacked early this year, so I decided to start over with a new hosting provider who provides more active control measures, and I'm slowly rebuilding everything from scratch... Google and Yahoo have already remove the "malicious content site" flag a couple of months ago... maybe others need active measures (as I did with Google)
Where did you see that malicious content flag?
La Tierra de un Dios que no supo aceptar / su falso derecho a la libertad - Tierra Santa
Estadísticas de Entropizados.com
Nvgnte wrote:Where did you
I saw this when I tried to access the site over our proxy at the Institute. I don't know where this gets the information from but I guess they do sync regularly with other lists and will remove your site eventually.