BOINC Unhandled Exception error

Carlos G P
Carlos G P
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Topic 189357

Today I upgraded from cc 4.43 to 4.45. This WU:
was at about 90% or so when I did the upgrade. After the upgrade it kept running fine till it hit 93%. At that point I received an error window stateing:An unhandled exception occured. Press "abort" to terminate program. "retry" to exit the program normally and "ignore" to try to contintue. I hit retry to exit and then restarted BOINC and it seems to be running normally again. I was not using my computer when the error occured.

I'm wondering if the error was caused by the WU or by cc 4.45?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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BOINC Unhandled Exception error


I'm wondering if the error was caused by the WU or by cc 4.45?

Me too. You should find something in stderr.txt or similar of the client (in the BOINC program directory) and maybe of the Result (in the slots/* or projects/einstein... subdirectories if it had not been reported yet).



Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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There is another of these

There is another of these errors visible in the results of the user who started the very recent thread "What the hell is going on?" There was a prior version change to 4.45 as well although there were a couple of good results until the problem showed up. The result that gave the "unhandled exception" was successfully completed and validated but have a look at what happened to all the following results.

Maybe there is something potentially E@H unfriendly in 4.45??

The CPUID of the box in question is 154257.


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>>Maybe there is something

>>Maybe there is something potentially E@H unfriendly in 4.45??

This seems to be affecting multiple people on multiple projects.

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