BOINC Census Results 2023

Joined: 13 Sep 23
Posts: 5
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Topic 230670

Who uses BOINC? Why? On what kinds of platforms? Check out what the community said about BOINC in 2023. Thank you to everybody who responded to the census this year! Feel free to comment on the results in this post or share your thoughts in the BOINC Network discord , this forum, or wherever you connect with the network. Get notified via e-mail when the census happens next year or follow us on Mastodon , Twitter , and Facebook . Check out our free e-mail newsletter on substack . The census happens yearly and is run by the Science Commons Initiative, a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to rebuilding the bridge of trust and participation between the public and science.

Tom M
Tom M
Joined: 2 Feb 06
Posts: 6911
Credit: 9848277906
RAC: 4362367



A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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