Black holes : Matrix of density : "Gravity may be a subtle effect but not close to a super dense tight waveform & it's POWER"

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Topic 218936

Black holes : Matrix of density

Such an ultra dense material as a black hole contains the density to compress the wave length,
In principle depending on the properties of the waves within the medium to infinity..
However due to the nature of differing waves the combining principle of the combined wave forms may diverge from the principles found within this universe,

The differences found in heavy bosons and wu particles for example mean that particles perceptibly differing in principle and action compared to matter density; energy; Gravity and fluctuations in quantum and other forces create divergence in principle over time.

Existence thusly is not always the same in principle or function & or action or potential.



Principally the compression and expansion of wave forms exists dependant upon how dense a material is, For example a sonic compression gun works by the effect as follows:

a wave of low or higher frequency (usually of unhearable ultra sound ...)
Passes though the air (relatively low density) & though an object such as a car, As the wave passes though the higher density matter the wave length shortens and as the wave shortens it increases in energy yield,
Because a the energy of the wave compresses into a smaller period of time.

Because of the sympathetic vibration & or simply because of the energy yield present in the wave..
The object fractures.

So in the case of black holes a space exists in a very small dot, The space in the dot is highly compressed in density & therefor the waves entering the dot increase in energy while the wavelength shortens..

All waves and fields diminish is measurable size & some field effects are effected, Loop, Reverse or change in polarity..
How gravity behaves on our worlds has little to do with the exact details of how force fields..
(The force fields interact with wave patters by length & energy, The shift in wave form alters the effect)

As can be seen within this principle the wave form differs & so do the affected fields, Also the shift in density affects the fields shown by matter (One of the wave forms affected by density)

Examples of the density effect is the appearance of liquid, gas & solids..
In principle the differing wave length may be observed in the state, However as matter is formed of common "elements" like the proton,neutron,electron & under that mixture the energies of bosons W L

atoms obtain a combined field & a combined property, Energy level, audio, visual, sound & light..
Energy effects, the created effects of a matter waveform & combined waveform's form the existence & properties of matter & so many other subtle effects that affect & create reality.

Black holes can in this light be seen but not "SEEN" as examples of high density waveform.

Gravity may be a subtle effect but not close to a super dense tight waveform & once that power becomes apparent, All matter invariably will compress within the density of it's form.


Joined: 5 Nov 17
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Are black holes hot or cold

Are black holes hot or cold :

Considering the information : Wave form compression increases the energy.. lengthening the wave lowers the average energy level over the wave form.

In consideration of this piece of information we can surmise the question are black holes hot or cold bodies in the following.

Compressed waves are higher energy per cm..

Increasing density limits the effect energy has on average because higher density matter needs more energy to be influenced energetically..

However the smallest motion that energy creates has a larger effect in higher density environments, However the higher mass of dense matter consumes more energy moving compared to for example gas.

How Many dimensions does a back hole have
How long a period of time exists within the black hole relative to the matter within it. (Time Period * (time period percentage compared to real time))*E / (dimensions * volume) = temperature over period of time

So hot black holes may have size limitation & be subject to hawking's radiation.
Cold black hole may be subject to entropic loss & heat averaging.

Both are subject to time periods because of energy, However black holes may be nether hot or cold.

The mathematics are here & answer the question.



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