Hello i can no longer get any work from the Einstein project i am getting a message saying boinic to old i have tried to load the latest version and when i did it would not pick up cuda had a message saying no graphic gpu . I then read at seti message board that i need version 6.6 not 6.10 for cuda. There has been trouble with the seti project for a few days and now i can't get this project to work . WHAT FREAKING VERSION OF BOINIC DO YOU USE I HAVE A NVIDA 9400 GT VIDEO CARD
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Bionic to old
Can you please post the message you get?
Was it not just an informational message that there is a new BOINC version available and that you best update?
When you switch from BOINC 6.6 to 6.10 and your GPU is not found, update your videocard drivers. BOINC 6.10 requires drivers 185.85 or better and CUDA 2.3 compliancy.
Not sure what you read, but you either read it wrong, or the person's post had wrong information. BOINC 6.10 does still have Nvidia GPU support, it just got added ATI GPU support.
Please read my CUDA/CAL FAQ and stop panicking. :-)
The requirements are posted
The requirements are posted in the first message of this thread.
RE: RE: Hello i can no
Thanks for info but not gona worry about it started getting seti units again so don't need to bother with Einstein only do this progect if seti has problem not getting any messages from seti about boinic being to old only get message from this project . I also have the latest drivers from nvida so that couldn't have been the problem when i upgrade the client to 6.10. i will try agin when i'm in the mood and seti has trouble again witch shouldn't take to long to happen (heheheh). The download page at seti states that you use 6.6 for nvida cuda . So i assumed that it doesn't say that for 6.10 and that must be for ATI cards seeing as it didn't pick up the cuda units when i upgraded it . But i will try again like i said when i'm in the mood .
RE: ... The download page
Probably that page hasn't been updated since 6.10.18 became the recommended version. There are bugfixes to do with CUDA in 6.10.18 that probably make it worthwhile to upgrade. The fact that you also get ATI support is of no concern to you as it in no way interferes with the nVidia support.
Since CUDA tasks have only been available from the beta test using AP (anonymous platform) mechanism, it's not possible to have gotten CUDA tasks previously, in the normal way. Now that the CUDA app has been made official, suddenly you will be able to get CUDA tasks if the conditions mentioned in Bernd's post (see link in previous message) are met. Since 6.10.x is mentioned as a requirement in that message, maybe you get a message about BOINC version if you are using 6.6.x. I don't know as I don't have any nVidia cards.