107xxxxxxxx errors usually are a hardware issue. It can range from a bad power supply, CPU, or memory. It can also be a driver issue.
First thing is to try and make sure you have the latest video driver for your machine. Also make sure DirectX is the latest updates.
A machine can run fine without a DC project, because it is not being utilized to it's fullest potential. DC projects uses up the idle processes, and warms up the CPU. It also causes a little more draw from the power supply, and utilizes memory by moving things around a lot more.
Test the hardware. There are several programs out there that can help. For memory I suggest Memtest86+. For the processor, I suggest Prime95 (Google these terms).
As for power supply, that would take other testing, but I'd do the above first, see if it fixes your issue. If not, then I'd go deeper in the other hardware testing.
app error
Hmmm... And you are posting this on the Einstein@Home forums, why exactly? ;-)
Here is the Seti Q&A Windows forum.
My mistake. BOINC hangs up
My mistake.
BOINC hangs up with both projects, Einstein and SETI.
My computer was working well before installing it.
107xxxxxxxx errors usually
107xxxxxxxx errors usually are a hardware issue. It can range from a bad power supply, CPU, or memory. It can also be a driver issue.
First thing is to try and make sure you have the latest video driver for your machine. Also make sure DirectX is the latest updates.
A machine can run fine without a DC project, because it is not being utilized to it's fullest potential. DC projects uses up the idle processes, and warms up the CPU. It also causes a little more draw from the power supply, and utilizes memory by moving things around a lot more.
Test the hardware. There are several programs out there that can help. For memory I suggest Memtest86+. For the processor, I suggest Prime95 (Google these terms).
As for power supply, that would take other testing, but I'd do the above first, see if it fixes your issue. If not, then I'd go deeper in the other hardware testing.
You might want to take a peak
You might want to take a peak at this article in the BOINC Wiki.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator