Anyone have any idea why these two workunits would appear to be valid according to the clients that completed them, but the E@H validator didn't like them? I can't remember seeing this happen before, so I'm wondering what's going on. They're both relatively new, stock machines and they both complete most workunits with no problem, so I don't 'think' it's any problem on my end, but I'd love to stop scratching my head and wondering!
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Any idea why these results are invalid?
The project is currently having some problems getting cross OS platform validation to succeed. The dev team has been working on it siunce the start of S5R2, but they still haven't the exact problem yet.
At this point Win hosts don't seem to validate with the nix based and Linux hosts very well.
Thanks for the info. I must
Thanks for the info. I must have missed earlier postings about the problem.