last week my (0.5 CPUs + 1 ATI GPU) started on (perseus arm Ssurvey) 1.34 (opend-ati) it ran for 60hr then error out. it was running real slow my gpu went to the next (perseus arm Ssurvey) 1.34 (opend-ati) and start all over again running real slow so i supended it. that is when i got a real shokker it suspended 3
(perseus arm Ssurvey) 1.34 (opend-ati) and 1 (arecibo)1.34 (opend ati)they did not interfear with 8 cpus
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4 GPU's ???
I think it's openCL, not openD ;-)
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
To run the BRP4 and BRP5
To run the BRP4 and BRP5 applications on an AMD GPU (OpenCL, standing for open computing language), the applications prefer to have one CPU core free for themselves. Not to have to piggy-back onto a CPU core that's already doing calculations at 100%.
To achieve this, you can set BOINC to run with 7 CPU cores, in preferences set On multiprocessors, use at most 87.5% of the processors. That way the last CPU core is free for BRP tasks and then they'll speed up enormously. BRP4s should be able to run in about 2,000 seconds on your HD 7700, while BRP5s should be able to run in ~17,000 seconds.
Of course, if you don't want to run these applications on your GPU, then disable them in the project preferences.
i did the fix it is working
i did the fix it is working alot better now
thank you