Raspberry Pi

  • Total credit: 106,177,682
  • Recent average credit: 3,786.97
  • Country: International
  • Type: Computer type
  • Founder: KF7IJZ
  • New members in last day:
  • Total members: 54
  • Active members: 5
  • Members with credit: 52


A team of Raspberry Pi fanatics dedicating all generations of Raspberry Pi hardware to the pursuit of cosmic exploration and discovery.  To ensure that your Pi is performing its best with the official application make sure you are enabling the use of the Beta application (Account->Preferences->Project->Run Test Applications set to YES).

If you are running Raspberry Pi 3 and are brave, you can try an optimized version of the BRP4 1.47beta app here:  https://einsteinathome.org/content/high-speed-linux-brp-app-raspberry-pi-3  Time to process is halved by N30dG's binary.

Our team's results are almost 100% from Raspberry Pi and similar ARM-based hardware. If you are crunching on other desktop or server hardware, we respectfully ask that you create a separate account for your Raspberry Pi crunchers prior to joining so that we can keep the result set mostly from Pi hardware.

Thank you!

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