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Quote:We lowered the daily quota again to 16. Kathryn is right, it's per core with a limit of 4 cores, so the maximum...
27th February 2008
Hmm. This app seems to run ~9% SLOWER on my G4 (1.25ghz iBook). 4.03 =...
26th February 2008
This new app is awesome! My 8-way Mac Pro (the first model at 3.0ghz) ran two WUs with the stock app at ~31,100 sec (8.6...
21st February 2008
Quote:A new MacOS X Intel App is available from our Beta Test Page. It is the first "separate graphics App" ("APIv6...
21st February 2008
Quote:Interesting. After I copied the 4.33 files to my E@H folder, I tried to restart BOINC. I got an error code...
21st February 2008