MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on Emmy Noether Funding
Thanks Mike
29th May 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on CUDA and openCL Benchmarks
(they don't give you long to edit here)
This driver on one of my 550Ti seems to be running the same as the previous...
28th May 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on CUDA and openCL Benchmarks
Now the MAIN thing you want to do is suspend your tasks when these drivers are being installed since that...
28th May 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on CUDA and openCL Benchmarks
(I haven't tried other applications yet, because I like FGRP3-opencl being suboptimal enough to not overheat...
28th May 2014
MAGIC Quantum Mechanic commented on CUDA and openCL Benchmarks
Well I haven't had the time to update all of my 6 GeForce cards yet but the one I did seems to run the same but that is...
28th May 2014
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