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tullio commented on laptop shutdown
My HP 635 laptop is running 24/7. I first put it on two plastics rods to allow air intake, then increased its 2 GB RAM to...
11th November 2012
At SETI@home, Number Crunching, there is a thread "Invalid Host Messaging" where all such cases are reported. Tullio
7th November 2012
I cannot understand why a volunteer is allowed to use the forums of other projects to attack the project in which he is...
3rd November 2012
I am crunching 2 at they always run in high priority mode. Tullio
1st November 2012
I recently bought a HP 635 laptop for 265 euro, with 2 GB DDR3 RAM.230 GB hard disk at 5400 rpm, and SuSE SLES 11 sp.1. I...
28th October 2012