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Quote: Because you think they felt left out of the race....? lolx... Yes. It has become a race and nobody wants...
27th April 2009
In my opinion CUDA is killing SETI. People without a graphic card are migrating to projects that do not use CUDA or other...
27th April 2009
Quote:Hi tullio, nice to see you here....come va? Saluti I've been in Liguria (Finale Ligure) 14 days and I am...
7th April 2009
tullio started discussion Virgo April Newsletter
Here is a link to the newsletter:Virgo It contains also a comic strip on GW detection published in 1987 on an Italian...
7th April 2009
tullio commented on Gravity varies...
Quote:Quote:You are talking about the twin GRACE satellites, I believe. GOCE ha still to launch and, with its lower...
17th March 2009