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As of today the ABP1 unit has the shortest time among my 5 projects. One CPDN task took me 1961 hours, AQUA@home 128-qubit...
7th June 2009
In the year 1960 when the Soviets tested their H-bombs in the Kamchatka peninsula I was working part time while still a...
6th June 2009
Quote:For the curious: I just published Linux App 1.05. The only difference to previous 1.01 is the logging - it will...
3rd June 2009
The VIRGO Newsletter has published a special edition on VIRGO history:VIRGO story Its last page shows an illustration on...
1st June 2009
tullio commented on Einstine home
Quote:Noticed disk on screensaver and can not find out what it is? Anyone know? I think it is the target area. See...
29th May 2009