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OK. even for me the credits are not right. GW tasks should earn the same credits as GR tasks. Tullio
14th October 2020
I am running both GR and GW tasks on my intel i5 and GTX 1650 with 4GB VRAM. When I was running them on a AMD Ryzen 5 1400...
14th October 2020
tullio commented on 2020 Nobel prize
According to Paolo Maffei, in his book "Monsters in the sky", MIT Press in the translation by Riccardo Giacconi, there are...
7th October 2020
tullio started discussion 2020 Nobel prize
Half to Roger Penrose, UK, for his theoretical research on General Relativity done with Stephen Hawking. The other half to...
6th October 2020
The Berkeley Newsletter says that  Berkeley has received a 25 million $ grant from the National Science Foundation to...
15th September 2020