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Hello Keith! I'm crunching E@H almost all the time, working on Milky Way tasks on GPU (my GPU is broken and cannot work...
12th April 2015
Stranger7777 commented on BRP4G WU
Oh! E@H is now involved in race for discoveries, isn't it? There was no hurry for last 10 years seen by volunteers,...
11th April 2015
Stranger7777 commented on BRP4G WU
Me too. Guys, are you tending to finish BRP4 asap now?
11th April 2015
I'm not acquainted with Linux/Unix at all (though I'm a programmer). So Gary's description is like a translation from an...
8th April 2015
Could you please fix the status page. It shows that we already found somewhere and crunched ~10000 more WUs for S6 than...
7th April 2015