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Peter Hucker wrote: I didn't know you could slim them down enough to make them take up only one width.  I assumed a...
17th April 2020
I don't mind the custom watercooling, it gives great results if you plan and execute it properly. I have 7 cards plugging...
17th April 2020
open the compute preferences and allocate more memory. by default BOINC only allows the use of 50%. so if you have 16GB,...
17th April 2020
yeah I got some. ran for about 3.6 hrs on my 2080 ran for about 4.25 hrs on my 2070   reward seems to be a constant 145,...
17th April 2020
Does Wattman run on Linux though?    does Rick’s tool show PCIe utilization for AMD cards?  
15th April 2020