Ian&Steve C. commented on I've changed / added no. 3
Because the apps here aren’t well optimized for nvidia, you don’t see very much speed up from the recent nvidia cards. It’s...
26th April 2020
Ian&Steve C. commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Tom M wrote:Interesting.
On https://einsteinathome.org/host/12806167 which is my Ubuntu Intel mining rack system I just...
24th April 2020
Ian&Steve C. commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Peter Hucker wrote:
I wonder, could this be done by running multiple clients on one computer? Can you restrict each...
23rd April 2020
Ian&Steve C. commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
No you can run both, but you can’t run both while restricting One or more cards in your system to only 1.
either run 1 or...
23rd April 2020
Ian&Steve C. commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
maybe it varies by the frequency? I noticed the GPU ram usage varying quite a bit with different files of different...
22nd April 2020
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