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I only suggested it as a test, it was just curiosity on my part if you'd see greater GPU utilization on the same GPU with...
16th May 2020
Peter Hucker wrote: I just had a quick go at running GW on one of my new machines, and the RAM wasn't the problem in...
16th May 2020
tullio wrote: Two errors on May 14, 5 on May 16. In these all wingmen errored out. Tullio no they didn't. all the...
16th May 2020
Peter Hucker wrote: Can't the server work out what the RAM requirement is and send out only little tasks to smaller...
16th May 2020
tullio wrote: I have 3 validated results on GW GPU tasks. In all 3 my computer is the fastest, even when compared to...
16th May 2020