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Hullo out there.  I'm winning while watching the cat go crazy.
25th September 2017
mikey wrote:KSMarksPsych wrote: Cheap monitor that has vga.  Pi has hdmi.  I might just return the monitor and get one...
24th September 2017
mikey wrote:Gary Charpentier wrote:KSMarksPsych wrote:RandyC wrote:KSMarksPsych wrote:Good luck Annie.  I'm sending good...
23rd September 2017
RandyC wrote:KSMarksPsych wrote:Good luck Annie.  I'm sending good thoughts.   Now, this raspberry pi thing was supposed...
22nd September 2017
Good luck Annie.  I'm sending good thoughts.   Now, this raspberry pi thing was supposed to be a fun side project.  Not so...
21st September 2017