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Quote:Now Y'all don't pile up the crap on Misfit...I was just having fun with him and i'm sure he knows it... He...
15th June 2006
Quote:Eeeeeoooooo (rofl) How to make a turd float: 2 scoops of ice cream and 1 turd @Dan: did you notice Jupiter's...
15th June 2006
Quote:It's the Misfit is a turd list...But hey...You're my favorite turd! wonders if he floats.
14th June 2006
Es99 commented on The Last Word
Quote:Clues...where? I haven't got a clue.
12th June 2006
Quote:Quote:Will you be coming to the gathering of the Ears? I'd love to attend but it's not possible this time....
12th June 2006