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mikey commented on Summer Heat Wave
Quote:Quote:[OT] did you see about that maine coon that came in at a whopping 48.5 inches long? (nose to tail) howd...
25th October 2010
Quote:I don't need any software but only my eyes. All the glaciers I climbed in my youth in the Alpi Giulie are...
25th October 2010
Quote:Wow. Thank you for the quick reply. I was more concerned that something was not right on my end here but now...
24th October 2010
Quote:Thanks. It does seem to be some issue with IE buffering. In IE 8 got to Tools, Internet Options, the General...
23rd October 2010
Quote:Hello there. I just started using boinc a few days ago. Looking through my stats it appears that I have...
23rd October 2010