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Quote:My desktop computer stands underneath the desk, on a cardboard box to keep it from the floor. Just now and then...
19th February 2009
Quote:Quote:I have a HP computer with an Intel Core 2 with quad core and Vista 64 and 4GB of memory all running...
19th February 2009
mikey commented on BOINC Priorities
Quote:Quote:The answer is very simple. Because Z is under more deadline pressure than A is. The only argument I have...
17th February 2009
mikey commented on BOINC Priorities
Quote:I think you are right. I thought that changing my preferences to 2 days instead of the default .1 days would not...
17th February 2009
Quote:I wish there was a smiley that was beet red, because I am really embarrassed! I went back and hit the Update...
17th February 2009