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Ian&Steve C. wrote: what don't you understand about that? it's using 100% of the GPU. util = utilization....
19th October 2022
First of all, thanks for ponying up to the task of the Founder, Keith.  I think our GPUUG team does need some pruning....
19th October 2022
Keith Myers wrote: You only get the reading message on the first startup of BOINC.  The Pandora's Box opened message is...
19th October 2022
Keith Myers wrote: George, I corrected myself in the previous post about the memory usage.  Ian properly pointed out...
19th October 2022
To Tom, Keith Myers wrote: I don't know where you are getting your numbers from but at 2X BRP7 or 2X FGRPB1G or a...
19th October 2022