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For comparison, the same presentation of AgentB's previously reported 460, using the available 1.54 returns a few minutes...
1st July 2015
Phil's set of four hosts give some welcome data on this comparison. Happily he uses a pretty short queue, so data for an...
1st July 2015
My hope to see some more modern results seems in process at GTX 760 host belonging to Phil With just four 1.54...
30th June 2015
AgentB wrote:1st GPU: nVidia GTX-460 768MB (MSI) PCIe v2.0 x16 - system monitor 2nd GPU: nVidia GTX-...
30th June 2015
Quote:The current GPU task mix is 2x1.52 and a 1.54 (a rebranded 1.52). By watching the %completed figure over a long...
30th June 2015