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Quote:Could you post, or PM me, the segment of client_state.xml referencing the v1.54 Beta work, please? Error code...
3rd July 2015
A little over two hours ago one of my Windows 7 hosts received CUDA55 Parkes PMPS work. So I'm happy to see a Windows...
3rd July 2015
I noticed this morning that one of my Windows 7 hosts received 1.54 CUDA55 work, so those of us hoping for a Windows...
3rd July 2015
I have data in similar form for two more Fermi hosts, both showing very little productivity impact from the 1.52 to 1.54...
2nd July 2015
AgentB wrote:archae86 wrote:There is a hint of modes perhaps suggesting my combination of the three hosts is a bit...
1st July 2015