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Quote:Quote:Chris, tell us this: does it start with anthro? Or, for that matter, does it have the string anthro...
11th September 2015
*examine Mike's word from all angles* oh I like it. Just chuck in an extra letter, then sandwich the ooh sandwich!...
11th September 2015
Wo bin ich, Bill? Ich bin distracted by that annoying thing called real life stuff. *glower at real life stuff* But I...
9th September 2015
Quote:Did someone say cake?? Yes they did, Zalster, and THAT... *eat THAT* ...was indeed cake :) Thank you...
9th September 2015
OOF since WHEN *shove something through door* did this PLACE fit doorstop-...oh. It's you. *step over Mike...
8th September 2015