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Hmmm - Mike is enjoying his squares :) *make note to pop to Harrods this year* Oh. Oh! *make note of gratuitious...
23rd October 2015
Quote:Legoleptic refers to "A LEGO maniac or someone who has seizures about LEGO". Like when you propel your...
23rd October 2015
David's definition is closer to the one I had in mind :) I wonder what damage will be wrought to our brain cells now...
22nd October 2015
Quote:After writing down all of Mike's words and logically eliminating all the wrong letters according to Annie's...
22nd October 2015
Quote:Is your nephew's Main Brain Bendy Bone [ MBBB or MB^3 ] OK ? Oh yes :) He only notices he's hurt himself...
22nd October 2015