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anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Do you know what I think? I think there isn't nearly enough Oklahoma spelling about. I like it! Perhaps it's time to start...
12th December 2015
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
I have a new instrument of torture for you. ----> AADHHIOOPPRSTY <---- and a There were nicer pictures but...
12th December 2015
Hmmmmmmmmmm... interesting... so some bloke from Startrek tried to steal some Persian (??) rugs from either Chicago or...
11th December 2015
Quote:**** said she had already loaned her car out this afternoon and couldn't come .... :))) very good! Sort of...
11th December 2015
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:Quote:[Snaps fingers] ..... that's exactly what they say after I tell them why I was speeding .... The classic...
11th December 2015