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anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:AWAIT TFR Temporary fumb removal? I expect you'd need to be in hospital for that, and for getting it...
9th June 2016
Good point. That reminds me Might go see if I can find an icecream van to chase now... *go peer into freezer*...
8th June 2016
Quote:A midweek win. Oh. Which week? Let us know... we'll come and congratulate you and stuff, won't we...
8th June 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
This is for Zaky :) (no humans were harmed during the creation of this sequence) [pre...
8th June 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:Forgive me, but I fear I have been away too long for that to make sense to me, anniet :-)) *put lid on eyes...
7th June 2016