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Bump! > A good manual for Boinc is Paul D. Bucks BOINC Powered Projects Documentation > and his FAQ therein. >...
6th March 2005
> How do i get a box like you have with your projects on/in? They are part of most of the stats sites off this site...
6th March 2005
Hello David, I don't think that it's possible. Perhaps the admins can delete one. So the best workaround seems to me:...
3rd March 2005
YES, just look here! The task distribution is this: The project teams do the science. The public does the gizmos...
3rd March 2005
Saenger commented on Help Me
And never forget to read Paul: A good manual for Boinc is Paul D. Bucks BOINC Powered Projects Documentation and his FAQ...
3rd March 2005