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From the top of this part of the Forum: "The Questions and problems message board is being replaced by the new "Help...
17th March 2005
Mal was anderes: Was wurde denn in letzter Zeit hier im Forum geändert, daß ich nur noch komische Zeichen anstatt der...
16th March 2005
Saenger commented on Size of WUs
> I've been checking the network trafic that E@H does to send and recive the > results and I don't get it, it sends...
16th March 2005
Saenger commented on Magic Number
The only thing implemented yet, and used at least by Predictor is Homogenous redundancy, and it's because of real...
15th March 2005
> I wish people would not take like 3 days to finish a work unit. I've had > pending credits for work units on there...
15th March 2005