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Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Already got approved by CPS for the rebate, but they need to install it within the next 60 days. I called the installer...
28th May 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
I could, but no, I'm not doing it One of my friends is talking about doing it but I hadn't thought that far in advance.
28th May 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
I like GW too but I need my Intels for the Green Bank (GUPPI) over on Seti so I quit doing them as well. My AMD are...
28th May 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
lol..I'm feeling feisty this morning.
28th May 2016
Good morning anniet.. Always a pleasure to see you here....
28th May 2016