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Zalster commented on Newer Stats
Quote: Lol, Yes others commented on this as well. I noticed people started snooping around the computers so I...
29th July 2016
This (app_info) can probably be cut down more by reducing the repeats AP but I didn't feel like going thru all of it, lol
29th July 2016
The debate becomes which option to pick 1)Petri's special app which produces high inconclusives but works to pretty...
29th July 2016
Zalster commented on Newer Stats
Yes, we can see by your RAC just how terrible those old out dated crunchers are... lol...
29th July 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
So the 1080 downclocked itself to 1.67GHz today.. Don't know why. Temps are below 50C currently 46C on the card I...
28th July 2016