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Worst part about those are they have stopped shaking their rattles.  They figured out that the wild boars home in on them...
10th February 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Four
Not sure JBird....I tend to pop back and forth around 9 million.  Somedays I'm above it and others I'm below it.  I'm...
10th February 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
124,118,494.33 We are closing at approximately 10 million a day so about 12.4 days to overtake. Until Juan bring his new...
9th February 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
We are down to 14 days to overtake at the mid day report. Lets see what it says tonight....
9th February 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Four
Sounds good Juan... Better get it up and running soon...Peter is catching up to you quickly..almost neck and neck today...
8th February 2017