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Quote:Bruce, The hostid is 489 ( It finally occured to me to download a fresh copy of...
12th October 2005
Bruce Allen commented on Web Page Bug
Quote:This web page is written in cyrillic. Not for me. What's the default...
7th October 2005
Quote:Just checked my results..I have this as sent to my machine. 9632601 2282969 7 Oct 2005 11:40:45 UTC I...
7th October 2005
Quote:Hi Bruce, Interesting. I am running BOINC Manager 4.45. There is no "Commands" menu, and I can't fine "Network...
6th October 2005
Here is a test. This link should work GOOGLE. This link should be broken GOOGLE. This link should be broken GOOGLE. This...
5th October 2005