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Quote:9/15/2005 10:52:54 PM|Einstein@Home|Can't parse file info in scheduler reply: -112 9/15/2005 10:52:54 PM|...
16th September 2005
Bruce Allen commented on Low credit
Quote:application All-sky pulsar search created 13 Sep 2005 4:09:24 UTC name w1_0251.5__0251.5_0.1_T03_S4hB canonical...
16th September 2005
I see some recent successful results, so apparently your problem is sorted out now.
16th September 2005
Quote:Quote:You are probably seeing something related to a change that I made to the server-side scheduler a day ago...
16th September 2005
Quote:Have attached to E@H but I am unable to get work. Message I get is that there is work but that my computer does...
15th September 2005