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> Welcome new people! > > Quite a few members at our team also report new account Keys... it will be >...
9th February 2005
> Since we don't have a Science board yet, I'll ask here. > From the main page: > > Feb 7, 2005 > >...
9th February 2005
> Recently I've had several workunits abort with a message such as this: > > Aborting result H1_0267.9__0268.1_0...
9th February 2005
I *intend* to keep all credits and accounts as they are when we go live. Of course I or someone else might screw up -- we...
9th February 2005
> Hi, > > On my older computer with AMD Athlon 1200 and 512 MiB of memory I'm runing > Windows XP with SP2...
8th February 2005